Sessions 25

Solutions Showcase 1

Looking for new digital tools for your workplace? Heard of solutions that other publishers use? The Solutions Showcase is where you'll get the opportunity to get a peek at the tools and technology others are talking about. Each speaker will present a 10-minute demo, after which you are welcome to visit their booth at our virtual marketplace, collect brochures and links, and even have a text chat or face-to-face online call with them!

Once you're on a call, you'll be able to generate a unique link (valid for a few minutes) and send it to a colleague or friend who may not be registered on our virtual platform, to join the chat! It's super easy to get your questions answered! Drop by the virtual marketplace daily 1200-1300 and 1600-1730 SIN/HK to visit our exhibitors who are proudly supporting the Digital Media Asia!

What's happening at Twitter?

Paul Armstrong walks through Twitter's self-serve monetization model for publishers, Amplify Pre-roll, and provides updates around some of the platform's key tools and features for newsrooms, including Media Studio and Spaces. 

Presented by


  • Paul Armstrong
    Head of News Partnerships, Southeast Asia and Greater China, Twitter

Customized News feeds from GlobeNewswire

GlobeNewswire delivers corporate press releases, financial disclosures and multimedia content to media, investors and consumers worldwide. Find out how you can get real-time news and archive access via their complimentary Reader Account email service or join over 1,000 other publishers who are already GlobeNewswire Media Partners. Enhance your newsroom content by creating custom news feeds for your websites with direct-from-source releases and content in 35 languages reaching 92 countries.

Presented by


  • Lucy Pan
    Media Relations Manager, Intrado - Digital Media
  • Vera Xu
    Media Relations Manager, Intrado - Digital Media