Sessions 2

Newsroom tours

Leaving from Auditorio Buenos Aires

This tour organized by WAN-IFRA and ADEPA will give you the opportunity to visit the most innovative newsrooms in Argentina and Latin America. 

During the tour attendees will be divided in two groups. The first one, will visit the offices of La Nación and Clarín, and the other will visit the offices of ARTEAR and Perfil.

All of them are modern and integrated; and in the case of La Nación, ARTEAR and Perfil they recently reestructured their newsrooms.

Attendees will be welcomed by an executive who will show them the newsrooms and answer to their questions. During and after the tour, they will explain everything from their latest media projects, their workflows, and office and organisational structure, answering most of the particiants' questions.

Pick-up: Azcuénaga 2090 at 9:00

€100 per person. Fee includes: transport, site visits and meals. Participants from outside Argentina will have priority upon registration.



La Nación's modern newsroom, opened in September of 2013, serves as the milestone of a new era after 147 years of existence, since its fountation by Bartolomé Mitre. Alongside the launch of a brand new cycle of "Conversaciones" (Conversations) and the "on demand" new bulletin lanation pm, La Nación begun a journey focusing on the launch of LN+, their new cable TV. This will be a unique opportunity to listen to the latest projects from one of the most innovative and awarded media houses in the world.

Guide: Gastón Roitberg, Multimedia Newsroom Managing Editor, La Nación


A reference in the region, Clarín integrated newsroom (awarded every year for its innovative digital and mobile projects) creates an online newspaper internationally acclaimed with one of the largest readership in the Spanish speaking world.

Guide: Juan Marcos Bouthemy, Mobile Editor, Clarín


  • 09.00  Departure from Recoleta
  • 10.00  Arrival at La Nación (Av. Libertador 101, Vicente López)
  • 10.15 to 12.00  Informal chat
  • 12.15  Departure
  • 13.00 to 14.00  Lunch
  • 14.15  Arrival at Clarín (Tacuarí 1842)
  • 14.30 to 16.00  Informal chat
  • 16.15  Travel back to Recoleta
  • 17.30  Arrival at Recoleta


ARTEAR leads a cutting edge operation for all its digital platforms and next November they will open the doors to what is expected to be the most modern multi-platform newsroom in Argentina. Discover ARTEAR's new offices and its award winning team of journalists!

Guide: Federico Wiemeyer, journalist and TV anchor TodoNoticias

Perfil's new building, opened in September 2015, has the biggest integrated newsroom in Latin America, where are located teams behind the prestigious magazine "Noticias", the fortnightly newspaper "Perfil" and the reknown "Caras", among others. Additionally, the media Media House decided to follow the path of multimedia integration, creating 3 television studios for its two digital TV channels.

Guide: Agustino Fontevecchia: Digital Content Director, Perfil


  • 09.00  Departure from Recoleta
  • 10.00  Arrival at Artear (Lima 1261)
  • 10.15 to 12.00  Informal chat
  • 12.15  Departure
  • 12.30  Arrival at Perfil
  • 12.30 to 14.00  Lunch
  • 14.15 to 16.00  Informal chat
  • 16.15  Travel back to Recoleta
  • 17.30  Arrival at Recoleta