Sessions 28

World Press Trends 2018: Putting Trust at the heart of your strategy

Hall 74 - Main Auditorium

Vincent Peyrègne, CEO of WAN-IFRA, will provide a summary of the 2018 edition of WAN-IFRA's renowned annual report, World Press Trends. The main finding of the report is that news media companies should invest and focus on establishing a solid TRUST relationship with their readers/viewers and the public, as a key to the success of its business model. Vincent will also provide a summary of key figures around circulation, advertising and digital trends.

A quick preview on some of the report findings:

- The impact of trust in the performance of the news and the income of journalistic organizations is undeniable.

- While Trust in the media is at historically low levels, there is an increase of Trust in journalists and quality news.

- There is a shift towards business models centered on the consumer revenue, rather than on advertising.

An ideal session to start Digital Media LATAM 2018 and identify the main trends affecting the industry in the past year. 
