Alejandro Álvarez
Alejandro Álvarez
CEO, RPA Media Place, Argentina

Alejandro Alvarez is 40 years old. He is a lawyer and holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA).
He is currently the CEO of RPA Media Place, a company engaged in commercializing the digital media of Argentina's 5 most important publishers (Grupo Clarín, La Nación, Infobae, Perfil, and Telefé) under the programmatic purchase model.
RPA Media Place was founded in 2015 and is the first Premium Programmatic company in the region, concentrating more than 90% of the reach of unique browsers in Argentina according to ComScore, throught the 57 news and entertainment websites of its members. Mr. Alvarez has been responsible for this company from the start.
Previously, he spent more than 20 years working in the advertising industry, having worked for companies such as Canal 13, CIE Rock & Pop, Pramer and LA NACION. For the past 5 years, he was Google’s Commercial Director.
During 2013 and 2014, he held the position of Vice-president of the Argentine Chamber of E-Commerce (CACE -
Among his most important accomplishments, Mr. Alvarez did an excellent job with the development of the retail business ─ while working in Google, he made it grow tenfold during his last three years there.