Cormac Bourke
Cormac Bourke
Editor, Sunday Independent, Ireland

Cormac Bourke is the editor of the Sunday Independent, Ireland's best-selling newspaper, which is published by Independent News & Media, the largest media group in Ireland. He has a wealth of experience as a news executive having led the newsroom of Ireland's leading quality newspaper the Irish Independent for a number of years. During Cormac's tenure as News Editor and then Executive Editor with the Irish Independent he oversaw major exclusive investigations including The Anglo Tapes - a cross platform, multi-award winning probe into Ireland's banking collapse.
As the editor of Ireland's biggest selling newspaper, Bourke is focused on maintaining the market share of his title in print while evolving the news brand under a group digital strategy. Cormac was a central force in joining the print and digital news function within Independent News and Media to grow to become Ireland's biggest news website. Sunday Sport, the Sunday Independent’s Sport section, continues to be the nation’s most widely read sporting publication, with a team of high-profile writers and analysts who are now making their presence felt on new digital INM digital products, as well as in print.
Over the past two years, the Sunday Independent has also run a series of innovative print supplements focussed on participation in sport – including on running, cycling, golf and Ireland’s traditional Gaelic Games - with the backing of commercial and state partners. A married father-of-four, he holds a BA in Journalism from Dublin City University.