Jabed Sultan
Jabed Sultan
Head of Business, Prothom Alo Digital, Bangladesh

Jabed is a growth hacking marketing communication professional with 11 years of experience in the field of Communications, Brand Management & Digital Business in International and local organizations. He currently heads Prothom Alo Digital Business Unit, the largest digital media portfolio of Bangladesh which enjoys over 55% local revenue market share alone. He is a digital marketing strategist, mentor and trainer. Currently Jabed focuses on bringing alternative revenue streams in digital business. He earned double MBA and BBA with marketing and technology operations from the top business schools of Bangladesh. Throughout the way he has been leading numerous community and voluntary platforms in both local and international level. He is also the Community Manager for Google Developer’s Group Bangla. He represented Bangladesh in the world’s top leadership & knowledge sharing conference in Silicon Valley where his leadership model was instigated globally after it was showcased in front of Google’s Developer community leaders from 110 countries.