Kerstin Bach
Kerstin Bach
Dr. rer. nat., Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at NTNU, Norway
Kerstin Bach (Dr. rer. nat. from University of Hildesheim, Germany) is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at NTNU. Her research interests are intelligent decision support systems, data analysis and knowledge-based systems, particularly case-based reasoning. She teaches machine learning and advanced knowledge-based methods at NTNU and supervises students in the field since 2007. Her genuine interest in machine learning techniques and their application lead into participation in various EU and industry funded projects at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence as well as NTNU. Currently, among other research activities, she is the project manager of the selfBACK EU project that develops an eHealth application for low back pain patients. She enjoys discussing AI methodologies and applications with fellow researchers, but more importantly teaching it to students and bringing it into multidisciplinary projects and thereby shaping the new digital world.