
  • #425978

    Essential networking events for publishers across Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, Middle East and North America. 

Laurens VreeKamp

Laurens VreeKamp

Journalism Trainer & Design Thinker

Laurens Vreekamp is the Google News Lab Teaching Fellow for the Netherlands, Belgium and The Nordics, and is a News Lab Innovation Sprint facilitator for newsrooms and publishers in these regions. Before joining Google, Laurens did design research with multiple Dutch news organisations (RTL Nieuws,, FD, Het Parool) as a Fellow of the 'Journalism Research Group' at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU). He taught UX & Journalism classes, worked with Dutch National Public Broadcasters innovation teams and has directed a live-radioshow called 'Nacht van het Goede Leven' (Night of the Good Life) on National Public Radio 1. He graduated as European Media Master of Arts in 2003.