Liliane Corrêa
Liliane Corrêa
Editor of Digital Contents and Social Media, Estado de Minas, Brazil

Editor of Digital Contents and Social Media at the “Estado de Minas” newspaper, she began her career in media outlets in 1996, briefly working for the “Hoje em Dia” daily publication and, soon after, for “O Tempo”, where she stayed for nine years, working in different editorials. In 2001, when she was the head of reporting, she was a finalist in the Esso and Embratel journalism awards with the report “The AIDS Hell”, result of a month of investigations in the Sub-Saharan Africa.In 2002, she worked in the development of the editorial project and implementation of popular newspaper “SuperNotícia”, the first in the state. Later, in 2005, she went to “Diários Associados” where she also worked in the development of the project and in the implementation of “Aqui” newspaper.
In 2010, she became “Estado de Minas” newspaper’s Economics editor, commanding a widely awarded team until 2015, when she had already implemented for a year the newspaper’s social networks core. In July 2015, she moved definitely to the digital operations of Estado de Minas/Portal Uai, later creating the Digital Contents editorial office, which would be the embryo of what is now the Mulatimedia Core, taking a shift in supervising its home.
After being part of the company’s multidisciplinary team at Facebook Local News Accelerator, she is now a member of the paywall redesign and process for content production and monitoring in the newsroom.