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Luís Nazaré

Luís Nazaré

Executive Director, Plataforma de Media Privados, Portugal

Luís Nazaré was appointed as the Executive Director of Plataforma de Media Privados (PMP) on February 2015. PMP brings together the five private media groups (Cofina, Global Media, Impresa, Media Capital and Renascença) in Portugal and aims to “coordinate strategic issues for the media sector in the country”. Luis oversees the strategy and interests of these companies across the Media sector in Portugal and at a European level.

He teaches Strategic Management and Marketing at ISEG (Lisbon’s School of Economics and Management).

Nazaré is the former Partner of Gestíssimo Consulting and the former president of CTT and Anacom. Additionally he has been the non-executive President of Airplus TV Portugal and served in several Boards as Chairman, like the Board of Directors of Correios de Portugal or the Board of Directors of ICP-ANACOM (National Communications Regulator). From 2002 to 2005 was a Member of the Advisory Board Telecom in Portugal and earlier in his career worked as an Advisor to the Prime Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism.