Mario Calabresi
Mario Calabresi
Editor-in-Chief, La Repubblica, Italy

Mario Calabresi, has been Editor-in-Chief of Italy’s main daily, La Repubblica since January 2016. He moved there from La Stampa, where he had been Editor-in-Chief from 2009.
An award-winning journalist, and published author, Calabresi has worked for print and broadcast news outlets. He covered parliament for the Ansa news agency and La Stampa, and was News Editor at La Repubblica. The paper sent him to New York as their correspondent from 2007 to 2008, following the electoral campaign that saw Barack Obama elected. In 2011 he presented the RAI 3 television production entitled Hotel Patria.
His published books include Spingendo la notte più in là. Storia della mia famiglia e di altre vittime del terrorismo (Pushing back the night. Stories of my family and other victims of terrorism) (2007) and La fortuna non esiste. Storie di uomini e donne che hanno avuto il coraggio di rialzarsi(Fortune doesn’t exist. Stories of men and women who were brave enough to stand up again) (2009), published by Mondadori.
He has also written A Occhi Aperti (With eyes wide open) (2013), a collection of his interviews with ten leading photographers who recount the moments in which history was frozen by a photograph. His most recent book is called Non temete per noi, la nostra vita sarà meravigliosa (Don’t fear for us, our lives will be wonderful) which seeks to address the feeling of hopelessness amongst many of today’s youth.