Trei Brundrett
Trei Brundrett
Chief Operating Officer, Vox Media, USA

Trei serves as the Chief Product Officer at Vox Media, Inc. He leads the highly talented team responsible for SB Nation's cutting edge publishing and community platform. Trei served as the Chief Product Officer at The Verge. He has been designing and building web applications for engaged audiences for over 12 years. As a founder of the highly regarded software development consultancy, Handwire, Trei developed enterprise internet solutions for Fortune 500 companies and large public institutions such as Microsoft, Royal Dutch Shell, and MD Anderson Cancer Center. Working with Microsoft's Xbox division, he led efforts to design, build, and scale the first web application empowering sports gamers to organize leagues and tournaments, track scores, and calculate standings. Before joining Vox media, Trei ran the internet efforts for former tech Chief Executive Officer and Virginia Governor Mark Warner in the 2008 presidential primaries. Using innovative techniques to organize and connect supporters, raise online contributions, and reach out to the political blogosphere, he helped make Gov. Warner's organization the most tech-savvy in the race before the governor bowed out to run for US Senate. His other achievements include creating a ground-breaking platform for Texas Monthly, "the national magazine of Texas," connecting Texans across the world, as well as developing technology for OzSearch, the first and largest online portal dedicated to delivering Australian web content.