AMA Guidelines

AMA Guidelines


Changes to Note in 2021

WAN-IFRA will be making changes to the award categories

As physical delivery of newspaper and magazine hardcopies to WAN-IFRA’s APAC office in Singapore may be delayed due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we will not be able to offer the Best in Overall Newspaper Design and Best in Magazine Overall Design categories this year. This also does away with the need for on-site judging, thus reducing the risk of exposure to our judges. Newspaper Front-Page Design and Magazine Cover Design categories remain and will be accepted online, along with the other categories.

We will be introducing the following 3 new catgories.

  1. Under Editorial Content - Best in Covid-19 Reporting which recognises an article or a series of articles covering findings and reports relating to the Covid-19 pandemic.

  2. Under Photojouralism - Covid-19-related Photography - this special category recognises work which best captures key moments in the Covid-19 pandemic. This replaces the previous Sport Photography

  3. Best Revenue Diversification Project/Product/Service - Amid declining circulation and fall in advertising, news publishers are launching alternative products and services to make up for lost revenue and broaden their business base. This award recognises new innovative projects/products/services which engage audiences and increase media brand awareness while creating a new and sustainable revenue stream.


General guidelines for all categories

Registration is only accepted online.

Registrations are open from 11 Dec 2020 to 29 Jan 2021

All materials to be submitted online

  1. „„The details that you fill in the registration form will be used on winning trophies, press releases and editorial write-up. Please check that you have submitted your company name, newspaper or magazine title/s correctly.
  2. The competition is open to all newspaper and magazine companies as well as freelance photographers for at least one publication in Asia Pacific, South Asia and the Middle East. All entries submitted must have been published in 2020.
  3. Unlimited entries can be submitted and payment must accompany each entry.
  4. Winning entries might be called to present proof of printed publication/s, before the announcement of the awards.
  5. Entries will not be returned to sender.
  6. An invoice will be generated, which will serve simultaneously as a confirmation of registration.
  7. All registrations and materials are to be submitted online by 29 January 2021. There will be no extension granted on the deadline. Payment of entry fees to be in by 04 Feb 2021. Any bank charges to be borne by entrant companies. Incomplete or late payments will disqualify entrants from the competition.
  8. Follow the outlined entry and submission guidelines carefully to ensure that your entry is accepted. Entries that do not conform to these rules will be disqualified. Participants must accord WAN-IFRA the full rights to retain and use free-of-charge selected images from the contest.
  9. The judges’ decisions are final.

Best in Design

1A. Newspaper Front Page Design

This award will be presented to entries that achieve powerful impact in the newspaper front page. The judges will be looking for pages clearly showing a brilliant treatment of a scoop or unique take on a breaking or feature story, incorporated with captivating headline, creative design style and best use of photographs.

1B. Magazine Cover Design

This award will be presented to entries that achieve powerful impact in the magazine cover page. The judges will be looking for pages clearly showing a brilliant treatment of a scoop or unique take on a breaking or feature story, incorporated with captivating headline, creative design style and best use of photographs.



  • Entry can be from a daily, weekly, monthly, bimonthly or quarterly circulation.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit.
  • The published front page / cover page carrying the submitted entry should be sent in jpg or pdf format.
  • Each file size should not exceed 10mb. If the file size exceeds this requirement, the judges may not be able to open the file and the entry/s will automatically be disqualified.
  • Participants are encouraged to include a caption explaining the rationale behind the design and which type of audience they are relating to.
  • The entry must have been published in 2020.
  • Each entry fee is SGD 150

Best in Editorial Content

2A. Breaking News Article (Non Covid-19-related)

This award recognizes articles published in a publication’s regular section or in a special section, that demonstrate high standards of reporting and writing for exploring a topic or issue of significance. (Submitted articles must be published within 24 hours of the event)

2B. Feature Article (Non Covid-19-related)

This award recognizes articles published in a publication’s regular section or in a special section, that demonstrate high standards of reporting and writing for exploring a topic or issue of significance.

3C. Covid-19 Reporting


This award recognises an article or a series of articles covering findings and reports relating to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Overall Editorial Content Guideline

  • (Optional) Entries be supported by a written submission of up to 400 words explaining in a clear and concise manner the entry’s context and specificity (topic covered, context, challenges, article or graphic’s main qualities)
  • Only printed and circulated newspaper entries will be accepted. Digital-only stories are not eligible in this category.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit.
  • Only entries in English language are accepted due to judging constraints.
  • Each entry fee is SGD 150
  • Entries must have been published in 2020.

Best in Infographics

3A Best in Newspaper Infographics

This award aims to recognize excellence in design, usefulness and clarity of information conveyed in both breaking news and non-breaking news in newspaper infographics.

3B Best in Magazine Infographics

This award aims to recognize excellence in design, usefulness and clarity of information conveyed in both breaking news and non-breaking news in magazine infographics.

 Overall Infographics Guidelines

  • Entry can be from a daily, weekly or monthly circulation in tabloid or broadsheet.
  • Entry presenting any charted information, graphs, diagrams or maps with or without the use of illustration or photography.
  • Only published information graphics will be accepted.
  • There is no limit to the number of infographics entries you can submit.
  • Each entry fee is SGD 150
  • The entry must have been published in 2020.

Best in Photojournalism

4A. News Photography (Non Covid-19-related)

Includes the coverage of general news events (for which advance planning was possible) as well as spot news events (for which no advance planning was possible).
The possible element of risk implied in the shooting and/or the picture’s timeliness will receive a special appreciation.

4B. Feature Photography (Non Covid-19-related)

A picture depicting a lifestyle or a special interest news and demonstrating a profound understanding of a given topic as well as high visual qualities.

4C. Covid-19-related Photography

This special category recognises work which best captures key moments in the Covid-19 pandemic.

 Overall Photojournalism Guidelines

* All submitted photographs must be published in 2020
* Photographers must work/have worked as a staffer or in freelance capacity, for the publication in the Asia Pacific, South Asia or the Middle East which published the submitted photo.
* Each entry must only consist of a single photo and be accompanied by the article in which the photo was featured.
* There is no limit to the number of photo entries you can submit
* Each entry fee is SGD 100


5 Best in Newspaper Marketing

This award will recognize successful campaigns for marketing the news publishing company’s brand or image to readers in order to increase circulation and subscriptions to the print product and the overall media brand awareness.



  • Entries must consist in campaigns on any media channel for promoting print product brands. The promoted products can include the media house’s flagship publication as well as other publications and or their supplements and special editions.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit.
  • Campaign must be carry out in 2020.
  • Entrants can use the questions posted in Awardforce to present their project.
  • Should Entrants wish to provide more details not listed in the questions,  they can submit a PDF document containing no more than 12 pages with pictures of the materials printed in the newspaper, URLs and screen shots of the related Web publications and pictures of all related materials (such as flyers, promotional objects, events, mobile content, etc).
  • Please ensure that digital files are no larger than 10MB.
  • Each entry fee is SGD 150

6 Best in Community Service

This award aims to acknowledge the most innovative and valuable efforts by the media company to be of service to its community. Judges take in account the merits of such social programs, the effectiveness of its marketing, involvement of the community and the successful delivery of its objectives.


  • This category is open to all community service campaigns driven by a news media company.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit.
  • Campaign must be carry out in 2020.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit.
  • Entrants can use the questions posted in Awardforce to present their project.
  • Should Entrants wish to provide more details not listed in the questions,  they can submit a PDF document containing no more than 12 pages with pictures of the materials printed in the newspaper, URLs and screen shots of the related Web publications and pictures of all related materials (such as flyers, promotional objects, events, mobile content, etc).
  • Please ensure that digital files are no larger than 10MB.
  • Each entry fee is SGD 150

7 Best Revenue Diversification Project/Product/Service

Amid declining circulation and fall in advertising, news publishers are launching alternative products and services to make up for lost revenue and broaden their business base. This award recognises new innovative news related projects/products/services which engage audiences and increase media brand awareness while creating a new and sustainable revenue stream.

This award aims to acknowledge innovation and valuable efforts by the media company to come out with new product/service to offer to its audiences.


  • This category is open to all news media company based in Asia Pacific, South Asia and Middle East.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit.
  • Project/product/service must be implemented in 2020.
  • Entrants can use the questions posted in Awardforce to present their project.
  • Should Entrants wish to provide more details not listed in the questions,  they can submit a PDF document containing no more than 12 pages with pictures of the materials printed in the newspaper, URLs and screen shots of the related Web publications and pictures of all related materials (such as flyers, promotional objects, events, mobile content, etc).
  • Please ensure that digital files are no larger than 10MB.
  • Each entry fee is SGD 150