Sessions 14

The awakening of a sleeping giant? Profound changes on the horizon for the Mexican local and regional media ecosystem

The local and regional media ecosystem in Mexico is rich and diverse. Every day millions of readers are informed through devices, websites and various digital platforms. Media outlets covering the country's large cities or small towns are immersed in the challenges of the industry's digital transformation. WAN-IFRA and the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, with the support of the Facebook Journalism Project, investigated the challenges and opportunities faced by the industry in this complex process. The research was conducted through a survey to fifty local and regional media across the country and covered topics about business models, newsroom dynamics and workflows, internal organization, knowledge of digital tools. The responses will form the basis of a report to be published in June. In this session, we will present the preliminary findings of the survey. One conclusion is clear: local and regional media consider that a profound change of their business model is necessary in the very short term.
