Sessions 2

Media, innovation and sports : a major shift in sight (GAMI roundtable)

ICC Durban, Meeting room 22

Sports news is a major driver for media innovation, both in content and contribution and provides a solid platform for exploring new digital media and opportunities in immersive digital storytelling. The competitiveness attracts major sponsors and advertising and reaches large audience creating a need to open new channels. The large sports federations are seeking new alliances in order to find new business models, win negotiations of rights and access information. The panel will discuss the new framework and value chain facing the rules imposed by the digital platforms relating this to the Sports news initiative.


  • Director, EPFL+ECAL Lab, Switzerland
  • Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  • Group Executive for Sport and Motoring at the Independent Media Group, South Africa
  • Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Global Alliance for Media Innovation (GAMI)
  • Editor, Sunday Independent, Ireland