Sessions 23

Innovation from the Lab

ICC Durban, Hall 2 AF

A session from WAN-IFRA's Global Alliance for Media Innovation (GAMI). Discover here the latest from the new "Report on Media Labs", a collaboration between GAMI, the Media Innovation Studio at UCLan, Ubilab at PUCRS university in Brazil, Norway’s NxtMedia innovation cluster and Stibo Accelerator based in Denmark. 



Blockchain ripples media waters

Mats Nylund’s research team identified five areas where emerging blockchain technology and the interests of media companies intersect: intellectual property; micropayments; interaction based on smart contracts; individual marketing and customer integrity; content distribution platforms.


  • Programme Director, MA in Media Management, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Sports news innovation

Sport is a key driver for media innovation: Immersive and interactive experiences, big data, real time streaming, new forms of storytelling all influence and reach large audiences. It opens new opportunities and challenges for the industry. Results from the dedicated GAMI roundtable on Wednesday will summarise these perspectives, including new forms of relations between media and sports federations.



NewsThings: Internet of Things and News

IoT is an emergent sector, and some suggest the potential to be the next digital revolution. The NewsThings project seeks to understand how news and journalism could harness connected things to find new ways of connecting with people and conveying stories.


  • Lecturer and Researcher, Media Innovation Studio, University of Central Lancashire, UK