Sessions 21

Truth, Trust and Fighting Misinformation

Room F 2-7 First Floor

Newsrooms have found individual and collaborative ways to fight misinformation and distrust. Is it helping a renaissance of trust in journalism? Editors driving initiatives share what’s working and give takeaways for you to implement.



  • Co-Founder and VP of Business Development, WikiTribune, UK
  • Editor-in-Chief, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany
  • Group Editor-in-Chief, Independent News and Media (INM), Ireland
  • News Director, NRK (Norwegian public service broadcaster), Norway
  • Co-founder, The Quint, India

Launch UNESCO Curriculum: "Journalism, 'Fake News' and disinformation


  • Director for Freedom of Expression and Media Development, UNESCO, Paris, France
  • Senior Research Fellow, Reuters Centre for the Study of Journalism, Australia