Sessions 10

Session 3B: Wooing The Millennial: Audience Engagement With Videos & Apps

A look at the innovative and creative products and applications newsrooms have been developing to attract and retain new and young audiences, and keep existing users engaged.


How Verificado created a new way of engaging young Mexicans during the elections.

The goal of Verificado was simple: to provide clear and credible information about the 2018 elections to the Mexican public, and limit the impact of mis- and disinformation on public discourse. That meant reaching people through WhatsApp by engaging them with content that was tackling misinformation head on as well as being engaging, entertaining and informative. Fergus Bell, co-founder of Pop-Up Newsroom and core Verificado partner, will explain how this came together. 


IDN Times: Shaping Indonesia's Future

The IDN Times team is scaling up its content through #hyperlocal, growing its community of 80,000 writers who produce over 5,000 published articles a month and creating product apps. It avoids platform dependency through the twin objectives of building content and community. Editor-in-Chief Uni Lubis on the strategy to grow this #1 digital media destination among the country's Millennials and Gen Z from 10 regional hyperlocal sites to 33 by the end of 2019.


Audience and Community Take Centre Stage

World Editors Forum Executive Director Cherilyn Ireton offers a sneak peek into the latest findings from the group's upcoming Trends in Newsrooms Report out in June. Find out how publishers are shaping their audience and community strategies and teams with examples from the World Digital Media Awards.
