Sessions 17

Session 7A: Have You Heard The News? Voice-Assisted Devices & Podcasts

Voice has been touted as the next big medium for news. While this spells good news for broadcasters, what must text-driven publishers do to build up their capabilities and produce appealing audio content for listeners? Early adopters share their tips and key learnings from their pilot projects so far.


  • Barbie Atienza
    Head of External Affairs, Manila Bulletin Publishing Corporation / President of United Print Media Group (UPMG) Philippines

Taking Podcasting Beyond the Human Voice

Ernest Luis, Head of Podcast Productions at Singapore Press Holdings describes how The Straits Times and The Business Times are offering podcasts in various formats and on different platforms, including mobile, and the strategy to get into more ear buds.


  • Ernest Luis
    Head of Podcast Productions and Content Strategist, English, Malay and Tamil Media Group, Singapore Press Holdings

Applying Smart Tech to Smart Talk

Holly Wainwright, Head of Content at Mamamia, creators of Australia’s first daily ‘smart’ podcast, on how marrying the art of connection with the science of cutting-edge tech is crucial to a sustainable audio strategy.
