Intervenants | World Publishing Expo 2016

World Publishing Expo 2016

10 Oct 2016 to 12 Oct 2016

The annual exhibition for the news publishing industry

Intervenants | World Publishing Expo 2016


Our speakers at the two integrated conferences Digital Media World 2016 and Print World 2016 include the following media experts:


General Manager, CSQ – Centro Stampa Quotidiani, Italy

Dario De Cian graduated in 1990 in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico di Milano.

From 1991 to 1996 he worked as Project Manager in a company belonging to the Mannesmann group, supplier of control systems for power and desalination plants.

He started working in the newspaper industry in 1997 as Sales Manager for the Italian market of Muller Martini. Since September 2000 he is working at Centro Stampa Quotidiani where he served initially as Products Development Manager, since September 2001, maintaining the commercial responsibility, he is also appointed Technical Director and from  July 2009 he is the General Manager of the company.

Media Consultant, Denmark

Steffen Damborg (MBA) is a digital transformation specialist with over 10 years of experience in all aspects of running an online business in the media industry. He is a former Digital Director and Chief Development Officer at the leading Danish Publisher, JP/Politikens Hus, and is currently focusing on Digital Transformation for global media organisations accrued from his knowledge of working extensively in the European market.

PR and Business Development, Al-Jazirah Corporation for Press, Printing, and Publishing, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Ms. Abdalla is one of Al-Jazirah’s Brand Ambassadors for its creative printing solutions, which is described as "the passionate next-level in storytelling, inspiring the newspaper's print industry, at the same time bridging and creating harmony between the print and electronic media in the digital age.
Ms. Abdalla is a graduate of the University of Central Florida with an MA in Mass Communications and a BA in Radio & Television.

Former Technical & Production Director, The Times of India, India

 Sanat Hazra studied at the Rochester Institute of Technology, earning BS in Photographic Science & Engineering, MS in Printing Technology and attended Tuck College at Dartmouth University studying Corporate Leadership Program. Before joining the Times of India as Technical and Production Director in 2008, Sanat worked at the New York Daily News as VP of Production. Sanat dedicated 14 years with the New York Times prior to joining the New York Daily News. As Executive Director of Production at the New York Times, Sanat was responsible for transforming the company's two printing plants into state of the art operations, optimising the entire supply chain of the newspaper, implementing Statistical Process Control and Six Sigma process and Winning many International Newspaper Color Quality Club awards.   Prior to the NYT, he worked for the Crosfield Electronics as Senior Material Science Engineer. At Crosfield Electronics, he developed direct imaging thermal plate for CTP application.

Chief Operating Officer, La Presse, Canada; President, Square Victoria Digital Properties; President, Nuglif, Canada

Pierre-Elliott Levasseur is Chief Operating Officer of La Presse, Canada’s French-language news medium of record. Over the last few years, Mr. Levasseur has led the company’s digital publishing operations and the development and implementation of La Presse+, an award-winning digital edition for tablets. Mr. Levasseur is also President of Square Victoria Digital Properties, a leading investor and developer of digital businesses in Canada. In recent years, he has guided the diversification of the company’s activities through acquisitions as well as through acquiring equity interests. Since May 2015, he has also overseen Nuglif, a subsidiary of La Presse dedicated to the ongoing development of the innovative publishing platform technology behind La Presse+ and to its successful integration into clients’ technical and operational environments. From 1995 to 2006, Mr. Levasseur worked for Power Corporation of Canada and Power Financial Corporation, where he was Treasurer from 2001 to 2006. He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Head of Marketing & Communications, APA - Austria Presse Agentur, Austria

Barbara Rauchwarter is spokeswoman of the APA-group and since 2004 leads the Marketing and Communication Department. Rauchwarter has been in the organization since 1994 where she joined the editorial department before becoming the head of the Service-News area in the multimedia sector. She is member of the board of the Austrian Marketing Association (ÖMG) and guest speaker at FH Campus 02 in Graz. Furthermore, she is co-initiator of the event series “Digital Business Trends” (DBT), one of Austria’s leading networking-communities.

Managing Director, Russmedia and Editor-in-Chief, Vorarlberger Nachrichten, Austria

Gerold is heading the digital transition of Austrian-based publishing company, Russmedia’ since 2011. With an emphasis on local news and a mobile service strategy he has led the regional news portal VOL.AT (Vorarlberg Online) into the Top 5 Austrian news websites, while Vorarlberg is Austria’s second smallest province. 

Gerold is editor-in-chief of VN, the largest newspaper of Austria’s westernmost province Vorarlberg. From 1996 to 2003, Gerold worked in Munich, Germany as tech journalist, tv producer and editor in chief for the business-radio of F.A.Z., SAT.1 Bavaria/tv.münchen and crossmedia production company AME. He has successfully completed the Media Executive Leadership Program at Northwestern University/Kellogg Business School, Evanston, IL. Gerold is board member of the International News Media Association INMA and the Global Editors Network.

Board Member, Styria Media Group, Austria

Born in Graz in 1966 he studied Jurisprudence (his dissertation was on the subject of ‘Media Law') at the Karl-Franzens University Graz. During his time studying he was able to gather experiences as a journalist at various daily and weekly newspapers from 1986 onwards and was appointed to Chief Editor in 1991 at the weekly newspaper "der neue Grazer/der neue Steirer". Simultaneously he was substantially involved in the establishment of the first Grazer Stadtradios (town radio) 107, 5 (1997/98). In 2002 Klaus Schweighofer moved to Equity and Finance Management at "Styria Medien AG" and since then has been responsible, besides radio and television participation at home, above all, for the expansion of "Styria" in Slovenia and Croatia. Amongst other things, the newly founded daily newspapers "24sata" (Croatia) and "zurnal24" (Slovenia) came under his area of responsibility. With the foundation of "Styria Media International AG" 2005 he was appointed to the Board and additionally held a series of Executive and Board of Directors´ seats. On 3rd March 2008 Klaus Schweighofer was appointed to the Board at "Styria Media Group AG". He continues to belong on the Board of "Styria Media International AG". Klaus Schweighofer is married and father of two children.

CCO, PressReader, Canada

Nikolay Malyarov is Chief Content Officer and General Counsel at PressReader – the largest all-you-can-read digital content platform with a growing list of over 5,000 newspapers and magazines.

Recognised for his bold, strategic vision and thought leadership, Nikolay offers provocative commentary on future trends in publishing at major international events.  He frequently contributes to prominent global publications, exposing what’s between the lines on topics such as audience development and user experience, content distribution and monetisation strategies.

Nikolay holds a Master of Arts and Juris Doctor degrees from the University of British Columbia.


Managing Director, Schwäbisch Media, Ravensburg, Germany

Since 2008, Dr. Sabathil has been the Managing Director at the Schwäbisch Media, Ravensburg. His previous professional experience includes: From 1988 to 1989: Controller Axel Springer, Hamburg. From 1990 – 1991 he was CFO Medical Tribune International, Frankfurt before he became Managing Director at Ostsee-Zeitung, Rostock from 1992 – 2006. In 2007 he was Managing Director Leipziger Volkszeitung, Leipzig before joining Schwäbisch Media.



Design Teacher and Researcher, Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, CIAUD and C3i, Portugal

Matos was born in Lisbon in 1971, where he studied Communication Design (BA), Graphic Arts (post-graduation) and Communication, Culture and Information Technologies (MA). Currently he is attending a PhD in Design at the University of Lisbon. His professional experience is mainly at the Editorial Design area, with books and newspapers. Since 1998 he teaches Desktop Publishing and Graphic Production in a Communication Design degree at the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre. His research field is Newspaper Design, History, Practice and Sustainability.

Chief Operating Officer, Monrif Net, Italy

After graduating as a telecom engineer, Navarotto started his work career in Norway in 1997 as a software consultant for Ericsson. He then moved back to Italy in 2000 in order to startup the italian branch of the consultancy company he was working for at that time. From 2002 to 2006 he has worked for the DADA internet group as product manager of the b2b mobile services area. Finally in 2006 he entered the Poligrafici Group as business development manager of their web company Monrif Net and since 2009 he has assumed the role of COO for the online operations of the group.

Director of Editorial Technology, Newsday, USA

Millrod is Director of Editorial Technology at Newsday, where he has been involved in one transformation after another since he began working at Newsday as a copy editor in 1985. Millrod was involved in the original purchase of a Unisys Hermes system in 1999 and was the project manager for a redesign of Newsday with Mario Garcia in 2004. Before coming to Newsday, he worked at two small newspapers in Stamford and Greenwich, Connecticut, as a city editor and news editor. But Newsday was his hometown paper on Long Island, and the place he wanted to be since he was a student journalist at Stony Brook University, where he has taught news literacy as well. He’s currently working on a project to upgrade Newsday’s systems to the next generation of Atex’s publishing software.

Managing Director of KP Services (Jersey) Limited, UK

Jack Knadjian is the Managing Director of KP Services (Jersey) Limited, a new digital inkjet newspaper printing plant on the British Channel Islands of Jersey.

Jack has specialised in the field of newspaper digital printing for the past 15 years. Having worked for both Kodak and Agfa, he has been instrumental in the development of the newspaper inkjet business. He has a thorough understanding of technologies and applications as well as the financial viability of the inkjet user’s business. He is well known in the industry; both with the vendors and the users.

Editorial Director, Pfeiffer Report, France

After 10 years at the helm of a leading European technology magazine, Andreas founded Pfeiffer Consulting in 1998, with the aim to provide market-specific research and consulting to media producers and technology providers. Through his site Pfeiffer Report he offers in-depth analysis of emerging media, publishing and technology trends. Pfeiffer is a frequent speaker at international events for the publishing and media community, and his insights have been quoted in newspapers and magazines such as the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune and Wired.


Manfred Werfel was WAN-IFRA’s Deputy CEO until he retired on 1 June 2019. He was responsible for the Expo business of the association. He also managed the World Printers Forum, the print community within WAN-IFRA.

Since 1996 Werfel was part of WAN-IFRA’s management team. Over time he was responsible for Research, WAN-IFRA Reports, Expert Committees, Consulting, Training, Print Quality Projects, Events, Innovation Projects, World Press Trends, World News Media Congress, World Printers Forum and Expo. In 2012 he acted as Interim CEO.

Chief Executive Officer, Salzburger Nachrichten, Austria

Roman is a long time “veteran” in Newspaper business since 1976. In all this time he is working for the quality Paper “Salzburger Nachrichten”. Starting with basic operations, programming and  integration of IT-Systems, developing Software and APP´s, project management and implementing of major Newspaper-Projects  i.e. Prepress-, Editorial-, Production-, Commercial-, Adsystems, the  Company move to a new building. The last major Projects was the replacement of the whole Prepress (Agfa), Press(KBA) and Distribution (Ferag) Equipment plus reorganizing the Digital Integration, Systems- and Sales organization for the new Media world. Managing Director at Salzburger Nachrichten since 2008. He is member of several steering committees in Print- , Distribution- , IT- and  Digital companies and CEO of Salzburg Digital. Till now he is head of technical Production, Prepress, Multimediaproduction, IT and  Customer service  including  Integration Print and in Digital with a wonderful team.

Managing Director, pme maurer GmbH, Germany

Hans Jörg Maurer, born 1964 is certified engineer. His first contacts to newspaper presses were as child, his grandfather and father worked at manroland where he also started as service engineer. 1996 he founded his own company with proactive maintenance engineering which leads to pme maurer GmbH. He got proven records of success with his methods for technical diagnostics on printing machines based on different technologies like infrared ultrasound and vibration to describe the situation of electrical and mechanical components.

Head of Print Department, Süddeutscher Verlag Zeitungsdruck GmbH / Germany

Robert Heitzer studied printing technology at the University of Applied Science in Munich. Since 1996, he has been working at the printing plant at the Süddeutsche Zeitung in Munich. Heitzer was responsible for different projects including the re-investment press, automation of paper-roll handling process and retrofit projects. Moreover, he was interim Technical Director at the printing plant Frankenpost in Hof, a subsidiary of Süddeutscher Verlag.

Currently, he is managing the printing department of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, where Germany´s most popular daily Newspapers (Süddeutsche Zeitung, BILD, WELT, FAZ, Handelsblatt ) as well as Sunday Newspapers ( BamS, Frankfurter Sonntagszeitung and WELT am Sonntag) are being produced.

Director, Global Advisory - WAN-IFRA, Germany

Ben is a leading expert on digital media, and at WAN-IFRA he has the task of providing independent advice on digital strategy and organisational change. He will also lead the various WAN-IFRA initiatives to support the media industry in its transformation.

Previously, he was Shaw Media's Chief Digital Officer, and focused in driving digital revenue and audience for their digital products in the United States. Shaw was also the company’s CTO and previously IT Director. He oversaw the alignment of all technologies to Shaw’s audience and revenue growth strategies. He was also actively involved in optimizing Shaw Media's over 100 print and digital publication products and workflows. He is a licensed Apple iOS Developer and an Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist.

Deputy Director - Technical, Bennet, Coleman & Company Ltd., India

Shashank Chavan

Shashank Chavan is currently holding the Deputy Director - Technical position in Bennett, Coleman and Company Ltd. He has been with BCCL for 24 years. He hold bachelors degree in Computer Science Engineering from Mumbai University and Management certification from Indian School of Business (ISB).  

Head of Expressen TV, Sweden

Bella Levy is the Editor of newspaper Expressen's extensive video offering. Expressen TV is the CNN affiliate in Sweden and syndicates Reuters TV, AP TV and BuzzFeed Video, too. With world leading 3D VR-graphics from Vizrt and two brand new studios in the newsroom. Expressen TV is an award winning breaking news organisation that runs a live-TV coverage for 16 hours per day.

Senior Editor, Digital, DW – Deutsche Welle, Germany

Esra Dogramaci is Senior Editor, Digital at Deutsche Welle. Formerly she worked as a digital consultant at BBC World Service where she worked with BBC Arabic on a digital transformation across online, video, radio and social media. Previously, she led a team that looked after 20 languages YouTube channel’s with results stretching to 550% growth in just a year, then leveraging that growth in experimental formats for social and mobile video. Esra joined the BBC from Al Jazeera in Qatar and Turkey and prior to that was at UNICEF and UN headquarters working in communications throughout. Esra has significant experience in digital transformation across news and current affairs, particularly in social video and off platform growth and development. She’s also a former national team athlete, representing Australia in Ice Hockey.

Media Innovation Strategist, Berlin

Robb Montgomery is a journalism professor, consultant and serial entrepreneur based in Berlin, Germany. He is the author of two books on visual storytelling and the founder of several businesses including Visual Editors, Montgomery Multimedia and the Smart Film School.

Montgomery is a former visual editor for the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times. He redesigned the San Francisco Examiner in 2005 and has led innovation projects throughout his career.

Montgomery teaches Mobile Journalism and Design Thinking at several European universities and is the author of “A Field Guide for Mobile Journalism” (iTunes) and “Smartphone Filmmaking” (Taylor & Francis).

He has two best-seller courses on Udemy (Smartphone Filmmaking and Mobile Journalism) and founded the Smart Film School in 2015 to provide certificate training resources for schools and organizations.

Expert Advisor, WAN-IFRA & Senior Advisor, Schibsted, Sweden

Beginning in the mid-90s, Kalle was one of the key designers of the strategy and success of Aftonbladet’s digital business development. The strategy and its implementation have deeply influenced the Schibsted corporate strategy.
Driving Aftonbladet to be one of the first digital news media in the world to ask users to pay for digital content, Kalle was also instrumental in developing its mobile strategy. He has over 35 years in media and is Senior Advisor to Schibsted Sweden as well as WAN-IFRA. Kalle is also a Board Member of Svenska Dagbladet.

Managing Director, Pressens Fællesinkob, Denmark

Thomas Isaksen is a board member of the WAN-IFRA World Printers Forum. He holds a Master’s Degree in Economics, an MBA and a Master’s Degree in Negotiation.

Principal of Virtual Industrial Marketing

Managing editor of over 20 international cross industry projects for Web Offset Champion Group, PrintCity, icmPrint, and OPHAL. Entered the industry as an apprentice printer in the UK, followed by 20 years in Australia working in print production and management. Returned to Europe working in Munich and Madrid for the Eurografica consultancy, followed by business development for MEGTEC. Studies include printing technology in the UK, management in Australia, and Masters in industrial marketing, Paris CNAM. Associate of Ecograf, principal of Virtual Industrial Marketing.

Editor-in-Chief, Die Presse, Austria

Rainer Nowak is editor-in-chief and publisher of Die Presse, a daily quality newspaper of Styria Media Group. In 2013 Die Presse was voted Austria’s top journalism team of the year.

With roughly 3.000 employees, Styria is one of the leading Media Groups in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia and owns 8 daily and over 130 weekly newspapers, numerous magazine and 6 book publishers, 2 radio stations and a share of a TV broadcaster. With over 34 Mio. Unique Clients per month, more than 30 portals in a wide range of areas, number 1 ranking in numerous topics and markets, Styria Media Group is also one of the most successful digital enterprises in the marketplace. The digital-portfolio of this Graz-based media group includes top-reach players such as Austria’s largest portal, in Croatia and in Slovenia. Also included are top quality news sites on the inter-/national and regional level (e.g.,,, and along with community services such as and Styria’s digital activities range from the incubation of proprietary business models on through the acquisition of existing portals to technical product development and marketing of its own IT-units in Vienna and Zagreb. It has also been very successful in developing and marketing mobile offers and business models.


Editor, De Correspondent, the Netherlands

After spending three years working for the biggest literary agency in the Netherlands, Milou Klein Lankhorst (1987) joined the Amsterdam-based journalism outfit The Correspondent in early 2013. She developed the organizational structure that coordinates the efforts of (meanwhile) over 40 employees and founded a speakers' agency that is helping reporters directly engage with a growing audience. In her current role as Publisher, Milou now oversees The Correspondent's book publishing division, guiding projects from the initial idea through writing, editing, distribution, and promotion, within the Netherlands and abroad.

Chief Executive Officer, Hürriyet, Turkey

Recognized for over twenty years as one of the leading authorities on digitalization, transformation, organic growth and customer strategies, Caglar Gogus is the Chief Executive Office at Hurriyet, Turkey’s largest and newspaper and digital publisher and classified sites.

Caglar Gogus has been the CEO of Hurriyet since February 2016 and worked as an independent member of the Board of the company in 2015. He has been working on accelerating the digitalization and convergence efforts thus digital revenues at Hurriyet and looking for further strengthening the firms’ real estate classified business and searching for new business extensions and revenue streams.

Before Caglar joined Hurriyet, he had an extensive international management consulting and entrepreneurial background in the areas of organic growth, financial services, customer experience management and big data technologies.

Caglar has been a keynote speaker at various global and regional conferences and executive workshops. He speaks with authority on issues of media, digitalization, organic growth and change management.

Executive Managing Director, Styria Content Creation, Austria

In addition to his role at styria content creation gmbh, Alexis is a Behavioural Designer / Partner at FehrAdvice and Partners in Vienna. He was previously managing director of Styria Digital One, Austria’s number one digital publisher regarding reach with a portfolio of 35 general interest, lifestyle and niche portals with premium content.

The author of books and articles on online advertising started his career as a business and finance journalist. He then soon realized the potential of video and co-founded an online TV platform in 2000. Alexis later became part of the editorial board of the Austrian business paper “WirtschaftsBlatt” and reorganized the digital content activities of Styria Media Group, one of Austria’s top media companies.

His passion is journalism and he loves the new possibilities digital news and advertising offer.    

World Publishing Expo 2016
