Sayyied Kabir
Sayyied Kabir
Senior Business Advisor, Prothom Alo, Bangaldesh

Sayyied Kabir has been with Prothom Alo, the most influential national daily of Bangladesh, for the last ten years. In his capacity as Chief Business Consultant he works closely with the Editor and heads of departments in formulating organizational strategy as well as overseeing operations related to advertisement, circulation, marketing and business development. Early in his career, Sayyied was a founding team member of ETV, Bangladesh’s first private terrestrial and satellite TV network in 1998-2002 and also set up broadcast operations in the UK in 2001. Later, as CEO he helped establish the country’s leading private FM radio station, Radio Foorti. In between, he had stints in advertising, media consultancy and human resource development. Sayyied had studied Economics at Rice University and later did his post-graduate in Boston University. Before broadcast and media, he worked in the development sector in microcredit, population studies and food policy research. In addition to his long-standing association with Prothom Alo, he owns and runs a financial asset management company in Dhaka.