4Cplus is a technology solutions company with a core focus on digital, TV, radio and print media. 4Cplus has a team of over 150 engineers and domain experts who have been providing services to news media companies in 18 countries on a 24x7 basis. Their products and services includes:
- NewsWrap™ - Multimedia Newsroom Workflow
- MediaWrap™ - Content management system for news websites and portals Services
- MediaEagle™ - MIS dashboards for Publishers
- News Portals, Self Service Portals for Classified and Circulation CRM
- ePaper and eMagazine
- iPad and Tablet Apps
- 4C-DAMS™ - Digital Asset Management System
- 4C-Lipika™ - Indian language fonts, keyboards and converters
- CIO|365™ - ERP solution for print media with classified & display advertisement, circulation & subscription, CRM, financial accounting, HR & payroll, inventory & stores, market share tracking and MIS modules
- Layout-X™ - Advertisement automatic dummy making and page planning system