DMI 2019 - Programme
DMI 2019 - Programme
February 19
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Opening session
Keynote: Editors in the driving seat, a perspective.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Panel discussion
Digital is here to stay, but the big buck is not very easy to come by and mostly follow technology companies. Can this trend be changed. How to garner larger share of the revenue pie.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Networking break
Stream IDs:
- 6761
Newsroom Summit India
Panel discussion: Journalism in the changing times
Relevance of need vs. want. Tackling the dilemma. Should the media focus on what people should know or what they want to know.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
Digital Media India
Driving revenue in digital
Go Local: Driving revenue with local communities. As technology makes inroads in every field - media, healthcare, transportation, food, just to name a few - consumer attention span is ever reducing with several products competing for that mind-share. Is delivering curated experiences and #hyper local experiences a strategy, a buzzword or the pure art of building great products?
More than 40% digital revenue for publishers is estimated to come from programmatic advertising and it is growing year on year. However, concerns over what inventory to put in programmatic in order to maximise the revenue remain a challenge. What are the challenges and insights to go programmatic.
Fireside chat: Varun Mohan, Head of Digital Revenue, Republic TV & Alap Ghosh, Managing Director, Jellyfish
WhatsApp and VR/AR in native advertising. Bloomberg | Quint has cracked the code to monetise WhatsApp chat app. Their WhatsApp chat is now a hit with clients and offer interactive real-time queries (a'la Messenger bots and more), personalised stock market watchlists and portfolios, daily podcasts, logo placements and brilliant viral subscriber recruitment strategies.
Stream IDs:
- 6761
Newsroom Summit India
Innovation in newsroom
How to drive the change. BBC launched four newsrooms in India involving setting up new teams and taking in existing hands. The storis are created keeping in mind the local taste and flavour unique for every language. How did they do it.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Networking lunch
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Lunch Session: Hosted by Quintype
Reader revenue strategies
Digital media publishers face the similar issues with monetisation - falling ad revenues, content consumption on platforms outside your control and nascent subscription models. As a publisher, what are the revenue strategies that you can experiment with and how do you go about implementing them? Join us over lunch on 19th Feb as we discuss the various reader revenue strategies and how Quintype is helping publishers implement them across channels.
- Monthly/ Annual Recurring subscriptions
- Corporate / Student subscriptions
- Metered Paywalls
- Micropayments & Pay-per-article
- Memberships & Donations
- Ad free experience
Note: Limited seats only, Please send confirmation to
Stream IDs:
- 6761
Newsroom Summit India
Panel discussion: Gender in the media
Stream IDs:
- 6760
Digital Media India
Digital subscription
Driving reader subscription via addressing user needs. The FT with more than 900,000 paid for customer created its own engagement metric that correlates directly with retention and it knows the commercial value of every additional engaged user. But engagement isn't driven by commercial goals - it emerges from addressing user needs. FT has come up with a strategic framework wrapped around User Journeys, that helps users to form a habit - and drive subscription numbers.
Between reader revenue and advertisement revenue, how to balance the scale.
Ken is 'subscription only' site from India that vertically segments the audience and presents content that appeals to the segment of the readers who pay for it. It publishes just two stories a week, well narrated and analytical that subscribers wait to read them. Listen to the Ken story.
Stream IDs:
- 6761
Newsroom Summit India
Networking break
Stream IDs:
- 6760
Digital Media India
Networking break
Stream IDs:
- 6761
Newsroom Summit India
Panel discussion: Social media impact on journalism
Social media impact on journalism. The way journalists work has completely changed thanks to the invasion of social media in newsrooms. It has given wider audiences for the stories, and keeps the journalists active 24x7. At the same time, challenges persist such as metrics based on number of views / shares, shallow coverage, fake news, etc. Is social media a boon or bane for journalism?
Stream IDs:
- 6760
Digital Media India
Publisher chat: From magazine publisher to digital publisher
Stream IDs:
- 6761
Newsroom Summit India
Fake news. How to combat it?
Stream IDs:
- 6761
Newsroom Summit India
Mobile first ?? Is it a cliche?
The ‘first’ approach has evolved over the years. From digital first to mobile first, it has taken different shapes and approaches. What worked the best? Experiences from a newsroom.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
Digital Media India
Summary and closing for day one
February 20
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Digital news trends
Digital news trends, ComScore study.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Tailored news experience
Tailored front page news experience specific to the user needs, Schibsted Media has found the way by using machine learning combined with human judgement.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Audience engagement
Audience engagement during election time. How best to do it and what are the experiences in other countries. The story from Prothom Alo.
Using artificial intelligence to monitor social media trends and tell the stories.
Case study from Times Network.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Networking break
Stream IDs:
- 6761
Newsroom Summit India
Data and Investigative journalism
Data journalism. How to harness data and tell stories.
Investigative journalism is both high interest and high risk. If done well, it can bring immense benefit and raise the bar of story telling. A case study.
Namini Wijedesa, Wijeya Newspapers, Sri Lanka.Panir Golpo: The tale of water’ is the award winning community engagement project from The Daily Star, Bangladesh that brought awareness about water borne diseases and helped to mitigate the disease. The project brought readers close to the brand and also increased the page views resulting in better advertising yield. Lets hear the story.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
Digital Media India
Panel discussion: Partnerships for growth
Partnerships for growth: Relying on readers and media syndication clients as customers is simply not enough. Successful media enterprises have partnerships with other publishers and non-media partners to seek out new business opportunities. How to approach working with partners.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Networking lunch
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Lunch Session: Hosted by Akamai
2019 Elections – Dealing with key security and engagement challenges
Key Takeaways:
- Plan for unplanned - Cyber-attacks against media properties especially during elections are common than we think
- Anticipate – It’s not the matter of why or how, it’s about when you can become the next victim of cyber-attacks
- Identify variables, use cases and mitigating scenarios that can impact the site/app availability and experience
- Learn to measure impact of performance on revenue
Note: Limited seats only, Please send your confirmation to
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Panel discussion: Indian language web
The scale and growth online is expected to come from local language users. What are the challenges of Indian language web and how are Indian language publishers addressing them.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
The (not-so) secrets ingredients of innovation. How do you organise innovation in a large media company? Insights in to innovation stories from around the world.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Digital transformation at Aller Media, Finland.
Stream IDs:
- 6760
- 6761
Digital Media India
Newsroom Summit India
Conference summary and closing