Sessions 9

Subscription Inspiration


Change Through Product Thinking - Anita's 2020 selection


  • Director of Innovation & Leadership, Craig Newmark J-School/CUNY, USA

Paywall pioneer on founding and growing the online sub funded Denník

The envy of Slovakia and much of Europe: an independent quality publisher 49% owned by its own journalists, mostly funded by online subs and with a tremendous story of growth. Less than 6 years after its launch, Denník N has just reached 60,000 active subscribers - 1.3% of the Slovak population (15+). It helps that their co-founder was also a co-founder and CEO at paywall software company Piano.


The "Austrian Guardian"

Der Standard has a lot in common with the Guardian: huge reach, 25 years of online history and a reputation for a quality left-leaning news. They already have a PUR subscription that blocks ads - and unusually does not track users at all. Now they are soft-launching a Guardian style contribution model - starting to be more transparent about the journalist process and asking for donations for specific projects. Stambula explains Der Standard’s unique market position and its plans for the next few years.


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