Sessions 15

Native Advertising rebooted


  • Managing Director, styria digital one, Austria

Storytelling is StorYelling

Faced with this new world, how to make a difference for yourself and your clients? Anna Arvidsson was Native Advertising Marketer of the year 2019, as awarded at Native Advertising Days in Berlin. She was on Digiday's list of top 50 Changemakers in 2018. She has built up an organisation of 60 people in 6 years working only with creative sales at Bonnier News Sales. So it pays to listen when she shares methods and advice on how to die as a hero and strike back at the algorithms that want to take your job. It’s all about the story experience!


Energy and inspiration from Germany, South Africa and USA!

How Axel Springer develops its native advertising campaigns, what is "cause marketing" for The Dallas Morning News and why did Media24's "The Brave" campaign work so well?
