Sessions 14

Session 6A: Events, Experiences & Engagement

Live journalism and a variety of events have proven effective in rewarding loyal readers and wooing new ones. Let’s take a leaf from the pages of these publishers who are bringing events to the next level.



  • Helena Phua
    Executive Vice President, Asia Pacific, The New York Times

Profitable poetry, films (and flops): the Lake House experience

Sri Lanka’s Oscars, profitable poetry, reader-chosen cricketers. Savan Wijewardene of Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited, also known as Lake House - Sri Lanka’s largest publishing group, shares their learnings in terms of leveraging their brand, sales force and physical premises to create sustainable event platforms. He takes an honest look at what worked, what didn’t, and what might work in the future.


Essential ingredients for successful events

From book fairs and cultural activities to business forums and community outreach programmes, Singapore Press Holding’s Chinese Media Group Managing Editor, Loh Woon Yen, shares how the Group taps on the unique strengths across its brands to organise events that are relevant to readers and generate value for the publisher and sponsors.


  • Managing Editor, Chinese Media Group, Singapore Press Holdings