Stephan Granhaug
Stephan Granhaug
Executive Vice President Digital, Aller Media AS, Norway

Stephan Granhaug (born 1972) was assigned his current role in 2015, after being CEO and Editor in Chief at Scandinavia Online AS where he had run a major turn around case since 2012. At Aller Media he has P/L responsibility for all digital media outlets, including tech and product development, as well as maintaining major partnerships with external players such as Google’s Digital News Initiative and various social media.
Aller Media’s Norwegian operations has managed to drive a digital growth case along the print decline that has led the company to a state where more than 70% of its advertising revenue stems from digital, while delivering a healthy profit margin from its digital activities.
Stephan’s professional carrier started in Schibsted ASA in 2000, where he worked with corporate and business development within digital media. After covering several roles accross Schibsted’s operations, he left the media conglomerate after 7 years, to become CEO at DB Medialab in 2007. From 2009 to 2012 he was VP of digital business, product and tech development at A-pressen (today Amedia), the largest local and regional news publisher in Norway.
Stephan has a keen strategic eye and draws his energy at the intersection of technology, editorial and commercial.