Gordon Edall
Gordon Edall
Director, Globe Labs & Corporate Security Officer

Gordon is responsible for driving a joint mandate to accelerate innovation by enabling entrepreneurial Globe employees to do what they think needs done and to explore the start-up ecosystem to find up and coming companies that The Globe can work with for the mutual benefit of both organizations. The goal is to enable the development of new intellectual property on top of the foundation provided by The Globe and Mail in areas including data science and natural language processing, predictive and advanced analytics, AdTech, FinTech and security. Prior to his current position, he was Senior Manager Intelligence Systems from 2012 to 2016. At this position, with a new team of data scientists, he led the effort to implement a set of ETL processes that pushed The Globe and Mail's data into a data lake sitting on a hybrid cloud architecture where traditional BI tools could coexist with Big Data tools like Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Impala/Redshift and Mahout. Over time, the company migrated to a real-time stack featuring Kafka/Kinesis and Spark Streaming with SparkML. In addition to the work on the core ETL processes, his responsibilities included exploratory data analysis, feature engineering for predictive modelling and a privacy oversight function to ensure that all of The Globe's data was handled in a responsible manner. Starting at The Globe and Mail in 2006, he was previously Manager Mobile Media, Deputy Investment Editor, and Online Business Editor.