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Max Raide

Max Raide

Publisher, El Mostrador, Chile

Max Raide studied law at the Los Andes University. He has been a columnist and journalist collaborator of the newspaper La Segunda, El Mercurio (Economy and Business), of the Capital Magazine, Poder Magazine,  El Mostrador Newspaper and Americas Q Magazine (New York).

He was elected in 2006 by Caras Ego Magazine(Televisa) as the Entrepreneur or the year, in 2007 Capital Magazine made him a Profile as one of the young leaders  with more projection in Chile, and 2009 was awarded by the Investigation Police for their Leadership and Entrepreneurship. He has been a permanent guest since 2008 at theASCOA Conference in New York (United Nations) and Washington (White House) by the Council of the Americas which chairs David Rockefeller and Susan Segal.

In 2006, founded Jóvenes Líderes, in partnership with Economy and Business (El Mercurio) with the objective of motivating young university students and secondary students to participate in public, social and entrepreneurial programs, regardless of their social, political and religious condition. Being one of the first institutions to raise the problems of high indebtedness of young people, the poor quality of social housing, among other issues, in public opinion. More than 20 thousand young people have participated actively in all Chile.

 He was invited by Agustín Edwards, President of El Mercurio to be Director from 2010 to 2013 of Corporation Mañana, focused on reinserting in the companies people with addiction to drugs and alcohol, and who have managed to be rehabilitated.

In 2008 founded with his brothers Domingo and Juan Pablo, the company Leadership Group focused on the gastronomic area (Coffe shop Meetpoint and Restaurant Las Cujas), in the cultural area promoting emerging artists (Arts & Flavors) and in the social area through events for entrepreneurs and young executives looking to generate networking (Tardes & Noches). In total, 45 people work daily in this company and more than 100 thousand people have participated in all these instances.

 The Leadership Forum was founded in 2014 as an instance of meeting among the different sectors of society. They are held every month along with representatives from the public, business, cultural and educational world, and media.

Since 2015, He was invited by Federico Joannon, Founder of El Mostrador to be the first “Publisher” of the newspaper El Mostrador,  consolidating it as an independent and 100% digital medium, with more than 3.0 million monthly readers, more than 1.5 followers en social network,  partnership with Financial Times, Bloomberg, BBC, and annual commercial growth of 75% (2016).