Daniel Keiper-Knorr
Daniel Keiper-Knorr
General Partner / Founder, Speedinvest, Austria

Daniel started his professional career in investment banking with ErsteBank in Vienna and later Credit Suisse in Zurich. He then became a startup entrepreneur and founder of several companies in the media space. Throughout his entire career Daniel took customer facing roles in sales andbBusiness development.
Within Erste Bank Daniel was responsible for customer relationship and order execution on the Vienna Stock exchange for institutional investors. Later Daniel joined CreditSuisse’s Private Banking Team serving wealthy private clients with a 360 degree approach (investments, financing, family office matters).
In 2000 Daniel joined SYSIS which later merged into 3united. In 2001 Daniel helped restructuring Sysis after the burst of the dotcom bubble in becoming a shareholder and took care of Business Development and Sales. Daniel overlooked 3united’s business with brand companies, retailers, telecoms and media companies in central Europe. During that time 3united became number one supplier of mobile value added services in its region. This growth contributed to the successful sale of the company to VeriSign in 2006. 2007 Daniel started angel investing and always took active management roles alongside the founders in business development and sales.
In 2011 Daniel founded SpeedInvest together with his former partners in 3united Oliver Holle, Werner Zahnt and Erik Bovee.