Sasha Koren
Sasha Koren
Editor, Mobile Innovation Lab, Guardian News & Media

Sasha Koren is the editor of the Guardian US Mobile Innovation Lab, where she co-leads a multidisciplinary team within the Guardian's New York newsroom that is dedicated to finding new and better ways to deliver news and tell stories in mobile-specific formats. The lab was founded in the fall of 2015 with the purpose of testing and learning about how to best deliver news to readers with new patterns of consuming information.
Prior to joining The Guardian US, Sasha spent over a decade in digitally focused editing roles at The New York Times. Most recently she was a deputy editor of the interactive news team, where she built and led the social media and reader engagement teams, fostered innovations in crowdsourcing, and guided social media strategy in The Times's newsroom. Earlier she led digital innovation on The Times's features desks and on the Editorial department. She holds a B.A. degree in Literature & Society from Brown University.