
  • #425978

    Essential networking events for publishers across Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, Middle East and North America. 

Christian de Boisredon

Christian de Boisredon

Founder, Sparknews, France

Christian de Boisredon created Sparknews, an organisation that works with notable media sources from more than fifty countries to spread solutions-based journalism. Notably, this is achieved through Impact Journalism Day, a collaborative project that brings together more than 55 leading newspapers from around the world (Sunday Times, Times of India, Le Figaro, Asahi Shimbun, La Nación, Tages-Anzeiger, Le Soir etc.) Each newspaper writes one or two articles about innovative solutions linked to important societal issues (health, education, environment, etc.) that have a significant social or environmental impact. The operation then reaches more than 120 million readers and, for many newspapers, there is an increase in distribution and sales, as well as positive feedback. One of the newspapers is even able to sell advertising for five times its usual price.

Furthermore, Sparknews brings editors-in-chief of partner newspapers together each year for a seminar focusing on solutions-based journalism.

A similar project to IJD called Solutions&Co has also been launched with economic newspapers (Les Echos, Financial Times, Handelsblatt, Kommersant etc.) and Sparknews is preparing another project with France’s regional press.