
  • #425978

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Klaus Schweighofer

Klaus Schweighofer

Board Member, Styria Media Group, Austria

Born in Graz in 1966 he studied Jurisprudence (his dissertation was on the subject of ‘Media Law') at the Karl-Franzens University Graz. During his time studying he was able to gather experiences as a journalist at various daily and weekly newspapers from 1986 onwards and was appointed to Chief Editor in 1991 at the weekly newspaper "der neue Grazer/der neue Steirer". Simultaneously he was substantially involved in the establishment of the first Grazer Stadtradios (town radio) 107, 5 (1997/98). In 2002 Klaus Schweighofer moved to Equity and Finance Management at "Styria Medien AG" and since then has been responsible, besides radio and television participation at home, above all, for the expansion of "Styria" in Slovenia and Croatia. Amongst other things, the newly founded daily newspapers "24sata" (Croatia) and "zurnal24" (Slovenia) came under his area of responsibility. With the foundation of "Styria Media International AG" 2005 he was appointed to the Board and additionally held a series of Executive and Board of Directors´ seats. On 3rd March 2008 Klaus Schweighofer was appointed to the Board at "Styria Media Group AG". He continues to belong on the Board of "Styria Media International AG". Klaus Schweighofer is married and father of two children.