Gerold Riedmann
Gerold Riedmann
Managing Director, Russmedia and Editor-in-Chief, Vorarlberger Nachrichten, Austria

Gerold is heading the digital transition of Austrian-based publishing company, Russmedia’ since 2011. With an emphasis on local news and a mobile service strategy he has led the regional news portal VOL.AT (Vorarlberg Online) into the Top 5 Austrian news websites, while Vorarlberg is Austria’s second smallest province.
Gerold is editor-in-chief of VN, the largest newspaper of Austria’s westernmost province Vorarlberg. From 1996 to 2003, Gerold worked in Munich, Germany as tech journalist, tv producer and editor in chief for the business-radio of F.A.Z., SAT.1 Bavaria/tv.münchen and crossmedia production company AME. He has successfully completed the Media Executive Leadership Program at Northwestern University/Kellogg Business School, Evanston, IL. Gerold is board member of the International News Media Association INMA and the Global Editors Network.