Rainer Nowak
Rainer Nowak
Editor-in-Chief, Die Presse, Austria

Rainer Nowak is editor-in-chief and publisher of Die Presse, a daily quality newspaper of Styria Media Group. In 2013 Die Presse was voted Austria’s top journalism team of the year.
With roughly 3.000 employees, Styria is one of the leading Media Groups in Austria, Croatia and Slovenia and owns 8 daily and over 130 weekly newspapers, numerous magazine and 6 book publishers, 2 radio stations and a share of a TV broadcaster. With over 34 Mio. Unique Clients per month, more than 30 portals in a wide range of areas, number 1 ranking in numerous topics and markets, Styria Media Group is also one of the most successful digital enterprises in the marketplace. The digital-portfolio of this Graz-based media group includes top-reach players such as Austria’s largest portal willhaben.at, njuskalo.hr in Croatia and bolha.com in Slovenia. Also included are top quality news sites on the inter-/national and regional level (e.g. diepresse.com, wirtschaftsblatt.at, vecernji.hr, 24sata.hr and kleinezeitung.at) along with community services such as ichkoche.at and klokanica.hr. Styria’s digital activities range from the incubation of proprietary business models on through the acquisition of existing portals to technical product development and marketing of its own IT-units in Vienna and Zagreb. It has also been very successful in developing and marketing mobile offers and business models.