Alexander Drößler
Alexander Drößler
Product Manager, Neue Westfälische Mediagroup, Germany

Alexander Drößler is the product manager for Lokalportal within Neue Westfälische Mediagroup, a regional newspaper in Germany. Lokalportal is a participatory platform that provides access to local life. Its mission is to strengthen neighborhoods by giving them access to reliable local information and a place for valuable exchange about it. Drößler is in charge of strategic development, operational implementation, marketing and public relations of Lokalportal within Neue Westfälische. Previously he has worked as a digital editor with, the main news website of Neue Westfälische. He holds a master's degree in Journalism from Hamburg University. As a Fulbright Grantee, he has spent the 2013-14 academic year at the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism focusing on participatory journalism and new business models.