
  • #425978

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Ana Plisic

Ana Plisic

Creative Director, C3, Slovenia/ Editorial Director, Hanza Media , Croatia

Ana Plisic has launched the first creative agency and brand consultancy within legacy media publisher in Croatia in order to introduce premium native advertising to the market and deliver customer-focused instead of product-focused brand communication. She has been recognized as the world marketer of the year 2018 (Berlin, 2017). Today she is creative director in C3/PM Ljubljana and co-founder of C3 Croatia, a part of German-based C3 Group, leading european content and digital technology agency.

She was editorial director of the award winning Native Ad Studio and Design Thinking Studio, a subdivision within Hanza Media, the leading media publisher in South East Europe, from 2015 until the February 2019.

Previously she was deputy editor in chief, politics and business editor of the #1 premium daily newspapers. After post-graduate studies in Digital Media Management at Swedish design school Hyper Island in the UK, she has helped to build new revenue streams within the legacy media publisher and her work resulted in several native advertising awards at Native Advertising Days in Berlin: for the best omni-channel integration in the world (2017).; the best use of online media and the best use of video, (2016.)