Gabriel Dantur
Gabriel Dantur
Business Director, LA NACION, Argentina

Gabriel Dantur is 53 years old and studied Industrial Engineering at the University of Buenos Aires. Before joining LA NACION, he served as Marketing Director of Kodak Latin America, and spent 10 years in the consumer market in companies such as Molinos Río de la Plata and Kimberly Clark. In 2006 he joined LA NACION as Research and Development Manager with the disruptive idea of starting to go through the digital transformation. In 2016, he assumed the role of CEO at ImpreMedia, where he carried out management with a clear positive impact on the environment. Then, he returned to LA NACION to be in charge of the Business Department, whose main challenge is to develop, together with Redacción y Comercial, the two pillars of digital monetization, subscriptions and advertising.