Juliana Chan
Juliana Chan
CEO, Wildtype Media Group & Editor-in-Chief, Asian Scientist Magazine

Dr Juliana Chan is the Publisher of Asian Scientist Magazine and CEO of Wildtype Media Group, Asia’s leading STEM-focused media company, spanning digital, print, custom publishing and events. She received a BA/MA degree in natural sciences from the University of Cambridge, UK, and a PhD degree in biology from MIT, USA.
Awards received include the 2011 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science National Fellowship, the 2013 Singapore Youth Award, the 2014 MIT Technology Review’s 10 Innovators Under 35 from Asia Pacific and the 2017 American Chemical Society's ACS Nano Junior Fellowship. Dr. Chan's research work into drug delivery and nanomedicine has been featured by The BBC and MIT Technology Review, and she is an inventor on four patents.
Dr Chan is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, and she serves on the WEF Technology Pioneer Selection Committee.