Louise Abildgaard Grøn
Louise Abildgaard Grøn
Editor in chief and CEO, Børneavisen, JP/Politikens Hus, Denmark

The past ten years, Louise Abildgaard Grøn has been running JP/Politikens Hus' award winning CSR-activities aimed at primary schools. The activities have been running across papers Jyllands-Posten, Ekstra Bladet and Politiken. This includes a national media contest once a year and the daily activities for young audiences. Louise has built the business case for Børneavisen. It focuses on parents and grandparents as subscribers – primary inside the base of existing Politiken and Jyllands-Posten subscribers. Preliminary analysis and research have shown surprising trends; the young audience appreciates the printed paper and finds it more professional. Youngsters also see it as more “real” compared to online news. Quoting one respondent: “Online you can just change the headline or anything else. On print, the deadline is final”. When not being around her fantastic team and work, she spends time with her family counting 3 kids and a patient spouse.