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Miguel Ángel Aguilar

Miguel Ángel Aguilar

Journalist, Spain

Born in Madrid in 1943. He did his Baccalaureate at the Colegio de Nuestra Señora de las Maravillas de Lasalle. He graduated in Physical Sciences from the Faculty of Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid, in 1965. He graduated from the Official School of Journalism in Madrid in 1969. He completed his military service in the University Air Militia stationed in Villafría (Burgos) where high the rank of Second Lieutenant.

At present, he collaborates in the programs “Hora 14” and “Hora 25” on Cadena SER, is a weekly columnist for the daily “LA VANGUARDIA” and for the weekly “EL SIGLO”.

In 1967 he was sworn in as a member of the San Andrés de los Flamencos Royal Council, the highest governing body of the Carlos de Amberes Foundation, dating from 1594. Since 1991 he has been its president. He is a patron of the Royal Tapestry Factory Foundation. He is part of the Averroes Committee in the field of Spanish-Moroccan relations.

He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company “MADRID, Diario de la Noche S.A.”, which continues in activity and Chairman of the Board of the Fundación Diario MADRID, where the survivors of that honorable adventure gather.