Sebastian Haupt
Sebastian Haupt
Managing Partner, Multisense Institute for Sensory Marketing, Berlin

Sebastian Haupt is a consumer psychologist and works as a science journalist, lecturer and marketing consultant. He teaches marketing psychology at various universities, worked as a qualitative market researcher for over 10 years and is now managing partner of the Multisense Institute, where he advises companies such as Deutsche Bahn and TUI Cruises, medium-sized companies such as skin care specialist Dermasence and savings banks and insurance companies.
Together with Olaf Hartmann, he developed the ARIVA model for the sensory optimisation of products, communication and sales processes and described the haptic effect in multisensory marketing in the standard marketing work "Touch!“. On behalf of the Creatura Initiative, the Multisense Institute recently produced “The Power of Print”, the world’s first meta-analysis of the advertising impact of print, based on 300 studies. Sebastian Haupt is also a member of the Association for Consumer Research and the Society for Applied Business Psychology.