Stefan Fricke
Stefan Fricke
Head of Process Management & IT, AS Printing Plants

Stefan Fricke was born in 1975 in Germany. After having finished school, he made an apprenticeship to become an offset printer. Subsequently, he acquired specific knowledge through his training as a Master Printer and the subsequent further training as a Certified technical Business Administrator (IHK). He began his professional career at Axel Springer SE in the year 2000 in the Axel Springer Printing Plant in Ahrensburg, Germany.
Afterwards, he made his way through several stations within the technical departments to the overarching production management of the Axel Springer Print Houses in Ahrensburg, Essen-Kettwig and Berlin-Spandau. Since 2015 he is responsible for IT, process management and innovation of the three Axel Springer Print Sites.
Under the guidance of Mr. Fricke, the employees of the Axel Springer Print Plants are successfully researching 3D printing, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. At the Axel Springer Print Sites these technologies are closely linked to the topic of maintenance and cost optimisation.
Ahrensburg, 30 August 2019