
  • #425978

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Gunilla Asker

Gunilla Asker

VD/CEO, Svenska Dagbladet (Schibsted), Sweden

Gunilla Asker, CEO of the Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) since 2009, has been responsible for developing and implementing SvD's multichannel strategy, which aims to meet the new market and business needs that the digital development implies. She first entered the media sector in 2005, joining SvD as Marketing and Sales Director. 

 After graduating from Uppsala University in 1988 with an International MBA, Asker joined Unilever as a trainee and then spent 13 years with them working in the areas of strategy, branding, marketing and sales. She was later Vice President for Marketing and Corporate Communications at SJ AB (Swedish Rail) before becoming Division Manager of Custom Research at Research International.