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    Essential networking events for publishers across Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, Middle East and North America. 

Iain Noakes

Iain Noakes

Chief Customer Journey Officer, The Economist, UK

Iain Noakes, Chief Customer Journey Officer at The Economist, is responsible for optimising the customer journey across all channels and touchpoints on the path to subscription.  Iain's team compliments existing deep functional expertise by joining the dots on the customer journey to drive incremental return from our marketing investment by:

  • Delivering a connected customer experience driven by deeper audience insight
  • Linking up our technology across the customer journey to the moments that matter
  • Enabling even smarter and more efficient acquisition of lucrative subscribers who are more likely to stick with us
  • And wherever possible automating the output from our attribution platform directly into our media bidding platforms

Prior to his time at The Economist Iain spent many years working in planning and insight roles for a number of agencies including RAPP, DraftFCB and Wunderman.
