
  • #425978

    Essential networking events for publishers across Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, Middle East and North America. 

Kathy Magrobi

Kathy Magrobi

Founder and Executive Director of Quote This Woman+ (QW+), South Africa

Kathy Magrobi is the founder and executive director of Quote This Woman+, (QW+) a non-profit company working in the media and intersectional gender space to lobby newsrooms, news producers, and journalists to amplify voices traditionally marginalised in the news.

QW+ curates a database of close to 300 woman+ thought-leaders, change-agents, activists, and experts (in fields starting at agriculture, moving through fields like economics, health, and science all the way to xenophobia) that media professionals can access when looking for people to interview, appear in panels or on forums. They also lobby against news reporting that uses gender, race, or other stereotypes; actively engaging with newsrooms in these cases. 

Kathy’s background is as a media and communications strategist working in the development sector.