Grzegorz Piechota: Reality check – making money with Facebook

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Grzegorz Piechota: Reality check – making money with Facebook

Key industry leaders discuss the issues influencing the publishing world today

The WAN-IFRA Webinar Series partners with industry experts to bring you insights on creating growth opportunities and tackling current challenges. Engage with our panelists to ask the critical questions affecting your organisation.


Grzegorz Piechota: Reality check – making money with Facebook

Do you have a true platform strategy that focuses on the revenue opportunity?

Our recent WAN-IFRA Report, “Reality check – making money with Facebook,” focuses on the challenges and opportunities of working with not only Facebook, but other platforms.

Indeed, the data shows that monetising on Facebook directly raises a number of questions, but there are ways to use the platform to drive revenues, both directly and indirectly. Grzegorz Piechota, a platform researcher and longtime publisher, authored the report and will guide this webinar, focusing on some of the ways publishers are using the platform to help their bottom line:

  1. Publishers need to have a strategy. What’s yours?
  2. Analysing publishers’ strategies worldwide: four typical approaches
  3. How publishers are taking decisions

Join us on October 5, 2017 at 15:00 CET to gain crucial insights from Greg.

Don't forget to bring your questions for our Q&A session directly following the online presentation!

Register here for the Webinar!

Grzegorz Piechota: Reality check – making money with Facebook