Peter Lamb: Mobile Strategy and Ad Revenue
Peter Lamb: Mobile Strategy and Ad Revenue
Key industry leaders discuss the issues influencing the publishing world today
The WAN-IFRA Webinar Series partners with industry experts to bring you insights on creating growth opportunities and tackling current challenges. Engage with our panelists to ask the critical questions affecting your organisation.
Peter Lamb: Mobile Strategy and Ad Revenue

September 13, 2016 at 15:00 CET
In this webinar, Peter Lamb will offer you an exclusive preview of his session at Digital Media Africa on Mobile Strategy and Ad Revenue by challenging you with the following questions: 1. How should mobile fit into your overall revenue strategy? 2. How much resource should I devote to mobile? 3. How much profit can I really make with mobile, and when will I realize my ROI? 4. What is the optimal sales force structure? 5. Can I afford to do nothing?
During the webinar there is the chance to submit you own questions on Mobile Ad Revenue to Peter Lamb.
Click Here for the Webinar Recording