Sessions 8

Leveraging the Funnel to Grow your Reader Revenue

Come learn about measures you can implement immediately at the top of the funnel (awareness), mid-funnel (consideration & conversion), and bottom of the funnel (purchase & loyalty). In this session led by Facebook News Accelerator with coach and moderator Lissa Cupp, hear how APAC publishers grew their reader revenue, subscribers, and newsletter signups. Come away with ideas for your reader revenue strategy which you can implement in your news organisations right away.

Hosted by


  • Lissa Cup
    Blue Engine Collaborative Coach, Facebook Accelerator


  • Tan Lee Chin
    COO (Content & Commercial), Sin Chew Media Corporation
  • Transformation & Learning Director, CommonWealth Magazine, Taiwan
  • Prathita S Putra
    Head of Digital Business, Communities, and CRM, Tempo Media Group, Indonesia