Sessions 4

Session 2: Learning from the best in paid content strategies

Hall 74 - Main Auditorium

This year, DML will put special emphasis on how news media companies have implemented paid subscription models. Whether it is large international brands, to small local newspapers, the trend is clear and the learnings are diverse.


  • Executive Vice President, Publicaciones Semana, Colombia

From paywalls to membership: Four cases from the US

A unique opportunity to hear from small and medium-sized media (to which it is often easier to relate than with the large global industry leaders) are successfully implementing consumer revenue models. Nancy Lane will tell us, with recent data and concrete results, how four US media outlets, The Star Tribune, Spirited Media, The Denver Post and The Buffalo News, are doing it. Read our latest interview with Nancy here.



10:35-11:05 - Ground floor

Going Premium in Sweden

News media companies in Scandinavia have had different experiences in subscription models that are worth telling. A unique opportunity to hear first hand about one of Sweden's most innovative and successful cases, Svenska Dagbladet. Viktor's responsibility is to bridge the gap between the paper’s data analysts and the newsroom. Through an innovative, insight-driven approach, he works closely with both sides to make sure SvD delivers top quality journalism worth paying for.


  • Editor, Premium Content, Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden

Regional loyalty: the case of Grupo RBS in Brazil

The RBS Group has stood out as one of the most innovative media houses in Latin America. Andiara will tell us the company's learnings after more than 6 years of having launched their daily newspaper Zero Hora's paywall. With around 80,000 digital subscribers and ambitious growth projects for the next, Andiara will tell us what strategies they intend to carry out both on the commercial and editorial sides.

Read our latest article on Andiara's projects in RBS here


  • Executive Vice-President of Product & Operations (TV, Print, Digital, Radio), RBS Group, Brazil

Panel Discussion


  • Executive Vice President, Publicaciones Semana, Colombia
  • Executive Vice-President of Product & Operations (TV, Print, Digital, Radio), RBS Group, Brazil
  • CEO, Local Media Association, USA
  • Editor, Premium Content, Svenska Dagbladet, Sweden